At, we recognize the importance of protecting intellectual property rights and complying with all applicable copyright laws, including the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Our DMCA Copyright Page outlines our policies and procedures for addressing claims of copyright infringement on our platform. If you believe that Spotify has infringed upon your copyrighted work, we encourage you to follow the guidelines outlined below to submit a complaint.

Alert: Copyright Violation Through Digital Means

Suppose you are the rightful owner of a copyright or have authorization and evidence that Spotify is infringing upon your copyright. In that case, you can issue a written notification (“DMCA Notice”) to our Designated Copyright Agent. The DMCA legal notification should be sent via email to [email protected].

“DMCA Notice: Required Info for Copyright Protection”

To assist Spotify in addressing copyright infringement claims, please follow these steps:

1. Determine the copyrighted works that have been violated.

2. Provide details about the allegedly infringed material, including the specific information that allows Spotify to locate the content.

3. Offer your contact information, such as your name, phone number, email address, and physical address.

4. If you believe the use of the material in question is illegal, state so in your complaint.

5. Confirm the accuracy of the DMCA Notice under penalty of perjury and assert your authorization to act on behalf of the exclusive rights owner.

6. Include your electronic signature.

Submitting a DMCA Copyright Counter-Notice

If you think the content you uploaded on Spotify contains errors and needs to be fixed, taken down, or properly identified, you can send a counter-notification to our support team.

Notifications to Counter: Required Details Include…

It is important to specify the content that has been removed or restricted, along with where it was originally found before being taken down. If you believe that the way the material is being used is unlawful, make sure to mention this in your complaint. Share your contact information, such as your name, phone number, email address, and physical address, which will be shared with the federal court in your area. Your electronic signatures are required.

Persistent Copyright Violators takes over and replaces the pathway to uncertain, unsuitable outcomes for users who consistently violate copyright laws by sharing unauthorized material.


Consult with a lawyer if you have any queries or worries about allegations of copyright infringement, as the information on this DMCA Copyright Page is not intended as legal guidance.

By submitting a DMCA Notice or counter-notification, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with the guidelines outlined on this DMCA Copyright Page.